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K2-K7 Drain Pipe Cleaning Hose - 15m Stock Number: ES547362

Clears blocked pipes and drains without the need for harsh chemicals

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By Morr - - 02 June 2009
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Desmond, Karcher part number 4.762-062 is available on our website here:

  • I have been using this adaptor for my Karcher machine and this drain clearing accessory for clearing drains. It is amazing to watch it fly UP a drain pipe! The part Karcher No.4.762-062 is readily available in Europe and the US but, not apparently in the UK. By Desmond - Surrey - 21 February 2010
  • I bought one of these kits many years ago and, as my Karcher machine was an older one with screw fitting I bought an adaptor at the same time. I shall add a photograph later on for information. By Desmond - Surrey - 21 February 2010
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Morr, unfortunately HD series washers are commercial units and therefore to powerful for domestic accessories such as the drain cleaning kit.

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I have a blocked shower drain, the pipe is only 22mm. It runs for about 1.5m under the shower tray, then bends downwards through almost 90 degrees into the main drain. If this kit can cope with this bend I'll order it right now from espares. thanks!

By hopmah - Buckinghamshire, UK - 03 February 2009
  • I don't think this would work in a 22mm pipe. Sounds like what you need is a wire ribbon such as electricians use to pull wires through walls/floors etc. The are springy so they want to be straight, but will bend to go round a corner. By David - - 15 August 2019
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Hopmah, although the pipe would fit in to the drain, I think it would probably just come to a halt at the 90 degree bend. If the bend was closer to the entry point you could have manually entered the pipe and it would've fit round due to the natural curvature of the pipe, however I think because it has to travel 1.5m, it'll just crash in to the wall of the pipe.

  • The hose is heavy duty pressure hose and has a metal part on the end with the holes for the jets to come out. I do not personally think it will bend 90 degrees in only 22mm pipe. The hose itself is a good 10-15mm with the end piece. By SimonNeedsaSparePart - northampton - 02 March 2009
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Might the Drain Cleaning Kit (pipe) be fed horozontally along my guttering to blow out acculumateed moss and blockages?? (Or would it blow itself out of the guttering because of the high pressure??).

By Decklo - Maidenhead - 18 February 2010
  • I would not use this for cleaning out the guttering as it would blow itself out of it due to the high pressure. This is intended for drain cleaning only By Welshman1 - West Wales - 13 April 2010
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi, the kit wouldn't be suitable for use in a horizontal half-pipe - it would start snaking and not move forwards. It can be used in horizontal pipes that are 360 degrees.

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We have a communal drain which is blocked but the blocakage is futher than 15m from the manhole, could be upto 50m but uncertain. Does the 15m cable have to reach the blockage to unclear it.

By Singh - Cardiff, Wales - 05 July 2009
  • The answer given already is correct in that the hose does have to reach the blockage but the following may be of interest. My drain problem area is just about 15m from the access. The jetter has worked brilliantly but there is a risk that in future the blockage could be a bit further back and unreachable. I went to a local high pressure hose specialist and got him to cut my hose about 18 inches from the pressure washer end and insert a high pressure connector in it. Then I got him to make me up a 5 metre length of hose with a connector at each end so that if I need to, I can extend it to 20 metres. The extra weight of the extension and connectors will put a limit on how long you can make it, because at some point the drag of the weight will stop the hose going up the drain. 50 metres overall sounds as though it would be a bit much to me and in any case the cost would be quite significant. It cost me £20 and was done while I waited. By OldDude - Greater Manchester - 23 July 2009
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Singh, the drain cleaning kit can only remove blockages it that the end of it coems in to physical contact with. The kit is jet powered, with backward streaming jets of water propelling the nub forward at a high pace, removing any debris in the pipe.

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By stodge09 - - 17 June 2009
  • I had an older model and it fitted perfectly into the gun. I just removed the lance fitting and in it went. By billythelily - Essex - 04 May 2010
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Stodge09, I'll need your model's seven digit product number to make sure this kit is suitable for your washer. For help finding it, use this page:

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Can you advise if this works on internal drains (i.e. is it flexible enough to be used in the usual 32mm or 40mm domestic waste pipes/can it go round domestic traps etc). The photographs show it being used on external drains.

By GerryD - - 27 December 2008
  • Rory from eSpares
    Rory at eSpares says...

    Hi Gerryd, the kit can be used in toilet pipes - just make sure you manually insert it round the bend before turning it on!

  • Having used this product I think that with all confidece that yes it could be used internally. The pipe is small enough and flexible enough to go through smaller pipes. be aware though that once you turn on the jet wash alot of water is released at high pressure. So be prpared for back flow whilst clearing the blockage. By Milky - - 29 December 2008
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By Phil HArrison - Whitby - 13 October 2020
  • Parminder from eSpares
    Parminder at eSpares says...

    We believe that as long as the blockage is no further than 15m this should be okay.

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By AJ - East Midlands - 03 March 2018
  • Chris from eSpares
    Chris at eSpares says...

    Having used one I will give a personal opinion. This hose 'self propells' down a straight pipe and will pass around a 4 inch bend but due to extra 'drag' caused may not be able to 'self propell very far after the bend. If you are close to the bend and can help it through buy pushing the hose it is likely to run the hole length as long as the pipe does not have further tight bends in our opinion.

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By Nik F. - Croydon - 18 February 2018
  • Chris from eSpares
    Chris at eSpares says...

    This kit is only rated to 160 bar so could burst on your machine especially as your washer may have a higher volume flow.

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By Simon - - 01 March 2017
  • Chris from eSpares
    Chris at eSpares says...

    The head supplied can be used effectively on pipe up to 150mm in diameter and in our opinion it should be suitable as long as the pipe does not have any sharp bends.

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K2-K7 Drain Pipe Cleaning Hose - 15m

(inc. VAT)